Monday, November 3, 2008

Logo Time!

I did lots of things while I was home this Halloween weekend, most all of them not involving school work (big surprise). I did, however, name the book on "the science of cute" that I'm making and design the logo for the cover.

I'm unsure whether I want anything else on the cover. I think the simplicity would be nice. No name, no subtitle, just OMG, Cute! The official title, however, would be:

OMG, Cute! The Science Behind a Cultural Phenomenon

And it would be the first of two books, the first one being my "design brief" with all my research and the second documenting the design phase, from initial sketches to built project. The first one's cover would probably be pink with a white logo and the second white with a pink logo. Thoughts? Critiques? I'm not too keen on the "G" in the logo. It seems off, but I need to play with it a bit.


Anonymous said...

How about a lowercase g? The kind made with 2 circles, that looks like an ant. After all, most of the rest of the letters look like they're lowercase. Maybe that's why the G looks out of place.
Oggie is so cute...just makes you want to cuddle the little bugger. Hope you keep Watson away from them...

Anonymous said...

made me think of you...

i almost passed out from cuteness

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie. when I first read the logo(without reading the post first) I read "come Ute!". I then realized I was an idiot.