Friday, August 15, 2008

The Tivoli

I definitely underestimated the awesomeness that was today. After figuring out that we didn't need to do anything in order to ship our chairs, I ran into Danielle, who told me she was going to the Tivoli today, and she asked if I wanted to come with. Of course! I was disappointed that I had missed it last Friday, but it was raining all day and most of the rides had shut down because of it. But today was a perfect day and we took full advantage. They wouldn't allow me to take my monstrous camera onto any of the rides, but I found some good footage on YouTube.

The first ride we went on was the Star Flyer:

It doesn't look like much, but it pulls you up 25 stories and then flings you around so you get a massive view of the city. It was absolutely beautiful and terrifying at the same time. About mid-way through, I mentioned to Danielle that the only thing keeping us up were a few very tiny chains, to which she replied, "Ahhhhh! Lemmedown lemmedown lemmedown!"

Next was the Golden Tower:

Short and sweet, but even more terrifying than the first ride. It takes you quickly up and then lets you dangle there a while in anticipation. You really can't help but scream. I do wish it had been a little taller though, like the ones at Cedar Point.

Then the Dragon:

This one was so intense! We didn't see it in motion before going on, so we had no idea what was coming. I had worn my glasses today and had to grab them before they flew off my face. This was easily the most damaging of all the rides. My shoulders took quite a beating when we would flip all the way over.

Next, Dæmonen (The Demon):

Can you give me a "Woohoo?" Standard roller coaster. Although, the second time we went on, we got a recommendation from the operator to sit in the last row. It did feel a bit more intense, I must say.

And finally, (apparently) the oldest roller coaster in the world, Rutschebanen (literally meaning Roller Coaster):

Reminds me a bit of the Mine Train at Six Flags, St. Louis. Except more rickety.

We braved lunch somewhere in there, a 70DKK helping of chicken nuggets and french fries. But at least I get to keep the cup!

So Tivoli Gardens actually has gardens. Go figure!


I couldn't resist snagging this picture:

Yep, it sure is.

One of the most enjoyable rides of the day was an 3-minute-long rendition of EVERY HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN FAIRY TALE EVER. Told in broken English, I think it was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. I managed to snag a non-blurry pic of the ice maiden:

All in all, it was a fantastic day. Lessons learned? Everyone screams in the same language.


Anonymous said...

Hit the next blog button and found this, Denmark looks GORGEOUS. Looked like a pretty kick ass coaster too.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you got to visit the Tivoli. I could tell from the pics on (or wherever I found them) that you would like it. I am SOOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing you again! The kitties and I sure do miss you. Lubboo...