Thursday, July 31, 2008


Okay, I couldn't resist. Here are some panoramas from the Scandinavian trip. They're all complete 180 degree photos, some even more so. Feel free to click on them and take a more detailed look. There's a lot going on in these pictures!

This was taken right before visiting the Vasa Museum, while waiting for our ferry to arrive.

This is a little port in Stockholm, taken during the beautiful walk back to our hostel from the Vasa.

Another Stockholm. I guess I was just panorama crazy while I was there. I think, though, that since Stockholm is a city just riddled with canals and the architecture is just kept so low, the whole city seems to spread out horizontally.

This was taken while waiting for the group to make their way to the bus.

This was taken just before disembarking on our second overnight ferry.

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