Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Top Secret

After a little bit of a design lull, for which I blame highly addictive television programs, I'm glad to feel creative this evening. I spent the night doodling and "creative suite-ing" some cover designs for my design internship journal, which I will be printing via Blurb Books.

The title and description reads:

Things They'll Never Teach You in Design School: One Intern's Journey into Corporate America

Flashy, eh?

The journal, in general, is a requirement for all K-State internships. It is worth 3 credit hours. For each one of the four months at the firm, we must write an entry about each of the following:

1. Assignment we've worked on.
2. Office procedures and how they are better or worse than other firms.
3. Attendance at an office event.
4. Attendence at a social outing. (This is mostly for students interning outside their hometown.)
5. An analysis of a local piece of architecture. (I'll be handing this in separately, since it's specific to St. Louis and I want the book to be a bit more general.)

Since the beginning, I had wanted to get the journal printed professionally, and since I was going to be getting one copy for K-State, I might as well get one for myself, and hey, why not PGAV? But writing in a way that would A. cover all the semi-boring stuff for K-State and B. be interesting enough for someone to read willingly, made it difficult. Then as I journaled, I realized I kept writing little tidbits of advice and observations, like:

Post-It Notes are the Eighth Wonder of the World!

Save early. Save often.


The UL ratings book sucks!

So the journal has now sort of morphed into a list that encompasses projects, procedures, and events. And it allows me to get my own voice in there, and not a boring "Today I worked on stair details. Tomorrow I work on more stair details. Yay!"

And don't forget to download this month's limited edition blog header:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, i love it! Spill the beans to everyone about the daily grind of a designer's life...And I love the idea of the cover being a redlined sheet! Thats half the battle right there! I never saw redlines before coming here. Seriously. Whats a redline!? Do it, girl. Expose...(like ros-ay)