Tuesday, June 24, 2008

2008 Summer Mix

This week (and last) has been horribly hectic, but I've managed to scrounge up a little ear candy for you. I tend to make a music mix every season or so, and this summer's mix will not disappoint those who like Indie Pop Rock, lady singers, or piano & violins. I worked hard and found free (and very legal) downloads of the songs, so get 'em while they last! Just left-click to listen or right-click and Save As to download. Needless to say, if any of them don't work, you can either send me a comment or check out my source of free and lovely music, The Hype Machine.

1. Elevator Love Letter - Stars
2. Campus - Vampire Weekend
3. Animals are Cut in Two - Half-Handed Cloud
4. Second Chance - Liam Finn
5. I'm Not Going to Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You - Black Kids
6. Think I Wanna Die - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
7. A-Punk - Vampire Weekend
8. In This Home on Ice - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
9. The Party's Crashing Us - Of Montreal
10. Soft Revolution - Stars
11. Foundations - Kate Nash
12. Mr. Blue - Catherine Feeny
13. I'll Follow You Tonight - Anna Ternheim

There are a couple repeat bands (i.e. Stars and Vampire Weekend), but that's just because I am continually impressed by them and their sound. The mix starts out kind of quick and happy, even "Think I Wanna Die," which manages to use the word twee, which is now my Favorite WordTM. Then it gets into female vocals with Kate Nash and slows way down into Catherine Feeny and Anna Ternheim. So it's very fitting to the summer months: fast-paced and action-packed pools and zoos and sports then picnic and nap in the park.


Anonymous said...

Nice list, but you are forgetting the best summer dance song....."Electric Eel" by MGMT. Hands down, the best single of 2008 so far.

Anonymous said...

What, no New Kids?!?

Exclamation Kate said...

I'm more of a fan of "Time to Pretend" by MGMT, but still very good! And New Kids gets its own mix, definitely.