Friday, May 23, 2008

Riding on Free Wifi from Big C

Hey kids! I'm in Chi-Town for the weekend with my Ma, brother and sister-in-law. We're gearing up for a wonderful Memorial Day weekend full of architecture, museums, and the obligatory IKEA visit. I took today off and slept to the amazing hour of 6:30AM. Then I packed, breakfasted, napped, and we headed out around noon-ish. After another strenuous nap in the back seat, we arrived safe and hungry in Chicago. And what's the first thing you eat in Chicago? Giordano's famous Chicago-style pizza! It was so good that we took the leftovers and hunted around downtown for a Walgreens for ice and a cooler so that we can stuff our faces again tomorrow.

The City Museum event on Wednesday was all I dreamed it to be and more. Other than the fact that I look like I've been kicked in the shins repeatedly by a 3-year-old, I am unhurt. The 500 pounds of free food turned into a bit of a fiasco, what with all the hot dogs being cooked by one man on a small grill. But there were plenty of Gus's pretzels, cookies, soda, and Ted Drew's to go around, so we were well-fed. I was not brave enough to take in a camera, but Ellen, a fellow PGAV intern did, so once I snag the pictures, I'll post them.

Oh, and I DON'T HAVE MY PHONE THIS WEEKEND. It didn't have as fun a time at the City Museum as I did, so it's taking a rest these next few days with my dad, who's trying to convince Sprint people that it spontaneously combusted. So any contact will have to be through archaic blogger comments or ancient e-mail.

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