Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Like Such As

I've found a wonderful little site that makes me want to drop everything and sketch for a week without stopping. It's called 'Skine Art, which is short for Moleskine Art. Most of the drawings are characatures or cartoons, but there is also a hefty amount of still art and architecture.

Two artists who post regularly on the site have caught my attention. Here are some samples of their recent work:

First is Mattias Adolfsson. His imagination and attention to detail are amazing. And I really like the humor he puts into his drawings.

Next is Wil Freeborn. I especially like the sketches done during meetings, where he starts off taking notes and gets distracted (like you do) and starts drawing the people around him.

And on a completely unrelated note, sometimes I get curious and I google my username. Just to see what is out there. Today's search brought back mostly Twitter and LastFM links. This one I found to be interesting:

Apparently, I am a current top listener of the Phil Collins song, "Only You Know and I Know." (That's me right there in the bottom right corner.) Now, I think I know what happened here. I ripped the CD onto my iTunes and it automatically started playing as I walked away to do something equally unimportant. And that song played. Once. I feel slightly unworthy to hold this title, but a small competitive part of me wants to play the song endlessly until I achieve number one listener status. But then I realize that's silly. Why would I make number one on that song when I could be number one for "Don't Lose My Number?" Makes me really want to know a person named Billy so that I could annoy them endlessly.

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