Friday, May 16, 2008

Get Your Tchotchkes!

I happened upon the neat little blog of Rob Weychert today called Rob Across America. He's taking the month of May to travel cross-country in his 1994 Toyota Corolla, a feat I consider to be amazing because:

1. The price of gas has reached "Rollerblade to Work" levels and
2. He's attempting it in a go-kart (I have one; they make the same putter-putter sound.)

Everything about the site is great–the writing, the design–and he has a great personal site as well that portrays a classic, fancy newspaper kind of style, which contrasts well with his sense of humor.

Now I have to gather all my useless stuff and over-price it for the mob of 5am hagglers at the subdivision garage sale tomorrow. I actually really love to participate in the sale and have done so for a couple years. We'll get out early and grab some doughnuts to sell right along-side the knick-knacks. I'll kick back, listen to some music, refuse to sell an old laptop for less than $2, and then, if there's still a crowd by 11, we'll bring out the hot dogs and soda and sell them as well. Tomorrow I will post my winnings, losings, and will present the ever-coveted "Who Bought the Most of Kate's Crap" Award.

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