Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Up & Running is up and running! Check it out and let me know what you think. I welcome any and all critiques.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! It really turned out awesome! I'm considering getting a copy of your study abroad poster (with your metal chair) framed in black. The only critiques I have are:
1. It wasn't obvious (to me at least) that you had to click on one of the links in the lower list to see the pictures. Guess I need more visual cues than most.
2. This won't apply to everyone, but the size of my window showed the whole image, except I had to scroll down every time to see the text describing the image. But overall I liked the layout, so don't change that.
You've done a lot of really cool work. Smart companies should be beating a path to your door to hire you.